sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2015

G2A Weekly Sale - FIFA 16, Mortal Kombat X,GTA V,Pillars of Eternity, Naruto, Ori and the Blind Forest, Lords of the Fallen, Mad Max, One Piece, COD and a more games in Promo



Mad Max - Pre-Order - 20,99€ (Steam)
FIFA 16 Pre-Order - 35,99€ (Origin)
Diablo III - 14,89€ 
GTA V - 35,99€
Mortal Kombat X Premium Edition - 16,99€ (Steam)
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Pre-Order - 37,99€ (Steam)
Ori and the Blind Forest - 13,24€ (Steam)
Pillars of Eternity - Hero Edition - 11,94€ (Steam)
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution - 15,99€ (Steam)
Call of Duty Ghosts - 8,99€ (Steam)
Lords of the Fallen Limited Edition - 11,99€ (Steam)

E muito mais jogos em promo.... Stock Limitado.

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