quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2015

Magicka Wizard Wars Exclusive Razer Collection - FREE - Razer


Magicka Wizard Wars Exclusive Razer Collection - Free

Razer Balde:

The world’s thinnest blade is also its sharpest. This is as stunning and intuitive as a sword is ever gonna get.

Weapon ability:
Quickdraw - Dash forward and perform a perfect slice that makes your foes fall like cherry blossoms

Razer Imperator:

Zeverely mutilated impz can be rebuilt, we have the technology, however they won't be ztronger, or zmarter, but they will have cool glowy zwordz and be outfitted with zhiny lightz!

Razer Staff:

The high tech Wizards of the House of Razer found a way to produce magickal staves with a mechanical source instead of the typical crystal ones. They work just like other staves, but look much shinier!

Razer Robe:

A robe infused with the wonders of electricity. Istead of using it to better the world the Wizards focused on how to look mad sick on the dancefloor. And the ones from House Razer were the flashiest dancers of them all.

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